Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rainbow Piano Technique - Let's Try it Together

Is there anyone interested in trying out the Rainbow Piano Technique with me? I just ordered the books tonight and can't wait to get them. I am going to try this with my nine and twelve year old. I am really curious if this will increase their independance and confidence. I will post our experiences periodically if anyone is curious. I think that it would be awesome to do it with others as well. Anyone want to?

Lacey Holzbauer


  1. I've never heard of that. I will have to check it out!

  2. I'm learning to play the piano and I can already read music. My problem is getting both my hands going the way they are supposed to. Not used to reading 2 lines of music. I'm learning on my own and it's working quite well so far. Although, I got bored going through the beginning book. Any tips would be appreciated.

  3. Audra,

    Do you want to try it together?

  4. Robbin,

    I am getting a group together to try out the Rainbow Piano Technique. It is also going to start out simple but might be a good experience sharing your progress and we can all be on the same page. After the two books there each person is goign to branch out and go to a different book depending on the student's age. At that point you would be ready to take on more advanced pieces with a good foundation on playing with both hands during the beginning. What do you think?

  5. Hi lacey

    I actually bought the pdf book already and put the colors on the piano! The kids like it so far!

  6. Hi Lacey,

    I'm a little slow in catching up with blogs after our holiday... slowly I'm getting there.

    I'm looking to shake things up drastically with one student, so I'm printing off the five sample pages to see if it's something with which she connects. This particular student is already reading on the staff, but it is very difficult and I think she may relate better to colour.

    For the sake of the scientific method, though, I may give this a shot with my four year old who has no formal training. (Although he can spot a half note everywhere -- I guess because he spends so much of his day hearing me say, "hold the half note.") I have to say, though, the idea of putting those tabs on and taking them off for the other students doesn't sound like fun to me. Certainly I could just keep them on, but I know my other students and it would be distracting to them.

  7. Boysrus,

    That is a really good point about having the colors on the keyboard with more advanced students using the same one. I was trying to think.... what if you used smaller tabs, that might help a lot and then your student could have the full size at home. I wonder if we could come up with a "template" of sorts that you could lay over the keys that would be up towards the top. Their fingers wouldn't be playing right on the color but they could reference the color right above their finger.

    I actually thought about moving the colors for my kids because I put them toward the end of the keys where their fingers go and they have to lift their fingers out of position to see the color.

    What do you think about the template idea?

    Amazing Kid Musicians

  8. Hi Lacey,
    Rachel started piano lessons this summer and I am wondering if this could help her. Is this something that we could supplement her regular lessons with or should it be taught separately?
    Sue Gowin

  9. Sue,

    A couple of us are trying out the technique and are thinking about using the idea but with different colors. I will let you know what we figure out. A couple of the colors are really similar and close together on the keyboard which is causing some challenges with the kids. Stay tuned.....
